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Friday, November 25, 2005

- Getting started_: new features in .NET Compact Framework 2.0

You have seen the introduction to the .NET Compact Framework. This post talks more on the latest version 2.0 of the framework.

I shall not delve deep into the previous version of the .NET Compact Framework, but it suffices to say that it was working well, and that version 2.0 improves on it a lot more. It's not hard to tell, looking at the new features the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 offers beyond it's older cousin:
  • Additional Windows Forms features and controls
  • Anonymous methods
  • COM Interoperability (RCW)
  • Cryptographic support for MD5, SHA1, DES, 3DES, RSA
  • DataSet improvements
  • Direct3D and DirectDraw Mobile
  • Generics
  • Imrpoved threading
  • IPv6 support
  • Messsage queueing (MSMQ)
  • Networking support for NTLM, Negotiate and Kerberos authentication protocols
  • Partial classes
  • Pocket Outlook managed library
  • RegistryKey class
  • Serial port support
  • Simplified asynchronous Web Services programming model
  • SOAP 1.2 support
  • Telephony managed library
  • XML improvements and support for XmlSerializer, Xpath, Schema
I'm interested in the ones that are boldfaced. Let's delve into them some time.

Categories: [Getting started_] Tags: [] [] []


Blogger businesstips said...


How would you extract the CF CAB file using C#, in my development machine, i have to do this manually everytime, but i'd like to have a script that does this for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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