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Saturday, January 07, 2006

- MSMQ Message Queueing in Compact Framework (part 1)

In this tutorial, we write a simple MSMQ application for a Windows Mobile device. The application automatically installs the MSMQ service if it's not already present. A simple interface is provided to let the user send and receive messages via MSMQ.

MSMQ is a Microsoft message queueing technology that allows disparate applications, not necessarily running in the same machine, to send messages to one another. Part of this store-and-forward technology is a failsafe mechanism to ensure guaranteed delivery (well, to an extent). Message priorities can also be set as well.

One of the strongest competitors to Microsoft, in terms of providing message queueing middleware, remains to be IBM, which offers the product called WebSphere MQ (previously called IBM MQSeries).

This tutorial is based on Mark Ihimoyan's posts in his excellent blog.
  1. As usual, start Visual Studio and create a new smart device project.
  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click on References, and add the reference to System.Messaging component. We need this reference as we are using the Messaging classes later.
  3. Change the form property MinimizeBox to false, so that the use can close the application easily.
  4. Add a TextBox, 2 Buttons and a Label to the form, naming them txtSendMsg, btnSend, btnReceive and lblReceiveMsg respectively. The first button lets the user send the message in the textbox to a message queue. The second button receives a message from the queue. Even if the user closes the application, the stored messages in the queue remain intact and can be received when the application is restarted (however, a soft reset clears the queue).
  5. Next, we want to make the application self-contained, in that it will check for the presence of the MSMQ service and automatically installs it if it is not detected.
  6. Go to Microsoft Mobile Development Center and follow the link "Redistributable Server Components for Windows Mobile 5.0" to download the package. We need the msmq.ARM.CAB file in the package.
  7. After downloading, extract the msmq.ARM.CAB file (under msmq folder in the downloaded package). This is the cab file that installs the MSMQ service in the device.
  8. Back in Visual Studio, right-click on your project in Solution Explorer and add msmq.ARM.CAB to your project (use Add-> Existing Item...). Then click on msmq.ARM.CAB in Solution Explorer and change its "Copy to Output Directory" property to "Copy if newer". This will ensure that the cab file is copied over to the program folder in the device.
  9. In your form code, import the namespaces:
  10. using System.IO;
    using System.Messaging;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  11. Then within the form partial class, add the following declarations needed to P/Invoke the CreateProcess Win32 function. We need to call CreateProcess to install the cab.
  12. public class ProcessInfo
      public IntPtr hProcess;
      public IntPtr hThread;
      public Int32 ProcessId;
      public Int32 ThreadId;

    [DllImport("CoreDll.DLL", SetLastError = true)]
    private extern static
        int CreateProcess(String imageName,
        String cmdLine,
        IntPtr lpProcessAttributes,
        IntPtr lpThreadAttributes,
        Int32 boolInheritHandles,
        Int32 dwCreationFlags,
        IntPtr lpEnvironment,
        IntPtr lpszCurrentDir,
        IntPtr lpsiStartInfo,
        ProcessInfo pi);
    private extern static  Int32 GetLastError();

    private extern static
        Int32 GetExitCodeProcess(IntPtr hProcess, out Int32 exitcode);

    private extern static
         Int32 CloseHandle(IntPtr hProcess);

    private extern static
        IntPtr ActivateDevice(
          string lpszDevKey,
            Int32 dwClientInfo);

    private extern static
        Int32 WaitForSingleObject(IntPtr Handle,
        Int32 Wait);

    public static bool CreateProcess(String ExeName, String CmdLine)
      Int32 INFINITE;
      unchecked { INFINITE = (int)0xFFFFFFFF; }
      ProcessInfo pi = new ProcessInfo();
      if (CreateProcess(ExeName, CmdLine, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
          0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, pi) == 0)
        return false;
      WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
      Int32 exitCode;
      if (GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, out exitCode) == 0)
        MessageBox.Show("Failure in GetExitCodeProcess");
        return false;
      if (exitCode != 0)
        return false;
        return true;
  13. In the Form Load event handler (remember to generate the event handler stub by double-clicking on the form in design mode; similarly for the button click event handlers later), enter the following code which checks for and installs the MSMQ service.
  14. string MSMQ_ADM = @"\windows\msmqadm.exe";
    if (!CreateProcess(MSMQ_ADM, "status"))
      if (!File.Exists(MSMQ_ADM) ||
         !File.Exists(@"\windows\msmqd.dll") ||
        //install msmq
        string _path = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
        string docname = _path + "\\msmq.ARM.CAB";
        CreateProcess("wceload.exe", "/noui \"" + _path + "\\msmq.ARM.CAB\"");
      //check again
      if (!File.Exists(@"\windows\msmqadm.exe"))
        MessageBox.Show("failed to install msmq cab");
      else //register, start and activate service
        CreateProcess(MSMQ_ADM, "register cleanup");
        if (CreateProcess(MSMQ_ADM, "register install")
          && CreateProcess(MSMQ_ADM, "register")
          && CreateProcess(MSMQ_ADM, "enable binary"))
          IntPtr handle = ActivateDevice(@"Drivers\BuiltIn\MSMQD", 0);//device registry key
          if (CreateProcess(MSMQ_ADM, "status")) return; //success
        MessageBox.Show("failed to start msmq");
  15. In the btnSend click event handler, enter the following code to send a message to the "testq" queue.
  16. if (txtSendMsg.Text.Trim() == "") return;
    string strDestQ = @".\private$\testq"; //queue name
      if (!MessageQueue.Exists(strDestQ))
      MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(strDestQ);
      txtSendMsg.Text = "";
    catch { }
  17. Finally, in the btnReceive click event handler, we will receive the frontmost message in the "testq" queue. Note that we are setting a simple timeout of 1 second (so the UI is not blocked for too long) in case there isn't any message in the queue.
  18. lblReceiveMsg.Text = ""; Refresh();
    MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\testq");
    //set formatter for deserializing message
    mq.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(String) });
      Message messageReceived = mq.Receive(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1));//timeout in 1s
      lblReceiveMsg.Text = (string)messageReceived.Body;
    catch { lblReceiveMsg.Text = "- timeout -"; }
  19. We are done! Deploy and run. The first time you run, there is quite a long delay on form load, as the application is invoking wceload.exe to install the MSMQ service. When the form is loaded, type something in the textbox and click the Send button. Send a few more messages. Then click the Receive button a few times.
  20. Try closing and reopening the application and test if sent messages are still receivable. What about the effect of doing a soft reset?
In part 2, coming soon, we will send MSMQ messages across the network. Watch this space.

Categories: [MSMQ_] [Networking_] Tags: [] [] [] []


Blogger Kaiser Soze said...

Hi netcf2,

To generate categories for my stock market blog, I used your method of tagging posts and then using google search to locate them.

The method has worked out very well. So thank you very much.


Blogger danchong said...

hi Kaiser, thanks for the support! I believe you are referring to my post here.

Blogger Fay said...

Posted categories from your Nov. post, working good. Question on how you post such short post and link to them with read more. How do you do that? Thanks, great blog.

Blogger danchong said...

hi faith, to do a "read more" hack, you have to use the HTML span tag and hide the text. View my HTML source and see if you can figure it out. It should be quite easy if you're familiar with HTML.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can use this message queue with a C++ message queue on the other side.

like I want create a message queue in c# programe and coomunicate with a process which is written in C++.

Is this possible, if yes how.


Blogger danchong said...

hi Krishna, I haven't tried communicating with a C++ queue. But as far as I understand it, MSMQ allows disparate processes to communicate seamlessly, as long as the processes adhere to the MSMQ protocol. Whether a process is written using C# or C++ shouldn't matter.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You speak about extracting the CAB file, but I can't seem to figure this simple step out... Any pointers for this

Blogger danchong said...

Hi Warren,

The URL which I gave above doesn't contain the link "Redistributable Server Components for Windows Mobile 5.0" anymore.

However, you can still get the package by doing a Google search for the phrase "Redistributable Server Components for Windows Mobile 5.0". In the Google results, one of the top results (most likely the first link) should lead you to a Microsoft download page where you can download the said package.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellant tutorial on how to use create process! Thank you so much!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent tutorial on MSMQ but i would like to know that this application is restricted to single Device or there it is distributed.
If it applicable to single device, then please let me know how to make it to the send & receive SMS frm different smart devices.

Amit Kumar Rana

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Blogger Prajeesh Prathap said...


The tutorial was very helpful for me to create an application using MSMQ to upload data into a server.
But the data i uploaded was is not getting reflected in the remote private queue

Pls help me to solve this issue.

i am putting the code which i used for uploading the data into the server.

Public Sub SendToQueue()

Dim remoteQueue As Messaging.MessageQueue = New System.Messaging.MessageQueue
remoteQueue.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Priority = System.Messaging.MessagePriority.VeryHigh
remoteQueue.Formatter = New System.Messaging.XmlMessageFormatter(New String(-1) {})
Dim lsMSMQPath As String
Dim AppPath As String = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _

Dim _deviceIPAddress As String = String.Empty
Dim localHostName As String = Net.Dns.GetHostName()
Dim iphe As Net.IPHostEntry = Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(localHostName)
Dim ipAddr As String = String.Empty
For Each addr As Net.IPAddress In iphe.AddressList
ipAddr = addr.ToString()
_deviceIPAddress = ipAddr

lsMSMQPath = "FormatName:DIRECT=OS:ServerName\private$\PrivateQueueName;XACTONLY"

remoteQueue.Path = lsMSMQPath

Dim responseQueue As messaging.messageQueue = New Messaging.MessageQueue
Dim adminQueue As messaging.messageQueue = New Messaging.MessageQueue
responseQueue.Path = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "FormatName:Direct=TCP:{0}\private$\MyResponse", _deviceIPAddress)
adminQueue.Path = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "FormatName:Direct=TCP:{0}\private$\MyAdmin", _deviceIPAddress)

Dim msg As Message = New Message
msg.Body = "My data"
msg.Label = "My Label"
msg.TimeToBeReceived = System.TimeSpan.Parse("1.00:00:00")
msg.TimeToReachQueue = System.TimeSpan.Parse("1.00:00:00")
msg.ResponseQueue = responseQueue
msg.AdministrationQueue = adminQueue
msg.AcknowledgeType = Messaging.AcknowledgeTypes.FullReceive Or Messaging.AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue
msg.UseDeadLetterQueue = True
msg.UseJournalQueue = True
remoteQueue.Send(msg, Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType.Single)
End Sub

the code is throwing no error after sending the data to the queue.
But the data is not reflected.

I am able to send data to a remote private queue in my network. But not to a remote computer on the public network.

Blogger danchong said...

>I am able to send data to a remote private queue in my network. But not to a remote computer on the public network.

My guess is that certain networking ports required for MSMQ are blocked between your private network and the wider network.


Blogger Prajeesh Prathap said...

You are correct Dan,
We released some ports and it started working fine. Now i have a problem in formatting. Is there any way to implement ActiveXFormatting for .NET CF Message. My server code that reads the messages from the queue expects the message in ActiveXFormatting.

Thank you for the help and time you spend for helping me.

Blogger danchong said...

Unfortunately, I haven't got the chance to explore ActiveXFormatting. Maybe this article will help:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this same with this one ?

Blogger Prajeesh Prathap said...

Hi All,

I have a MQ in a windows 2000 terminal to which i upload my messages. But when i tried to create a trigger on the MQ. it gave me a warning "The queue path was not validated, Make sure that the queue exists and that it allows everyone Peek Access". I have provided full access to everyone and also write access to Anonymous Login. The problem is my trigger is not invoked once the message reaches the Queue. I have created a Trigger that invokes a COM+ component and it is registered using REGSVCS...

Can somebody help me to fix this issue / or is there any other options to invoke a trigger when a message reaches the queue.

Blogger Jovis Low said...

Your blog is great and I have learn a lot from your experience.

Hope we can share our knowledge.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Blogger akswift said...

Hi there,
nice Article.

Is there any possibility to change the path of the temp folder?

I have a device which often gets hard resetet. So i want to have the messages on a folder which then isn't deleted

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Thanks for the tips,..

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An informative is good.

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It is a good tutorial for windows device users.
you did good job.Keep it up.

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